Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Little Green Pony

Here are July, 2012 photos of Renny working beautifully and softly and in balance with Kelsey.  I'm writing this entry on January 1st.  He's going through a rough patch and I've been discouraged.  Kelsey says that she knows he'll come out of it.  And Larissa feels certain that he'll change too.  But I must admit that I'm slightly worried.  I want him to feel solid and relaxed and brave and happy in his work.  I want to feel safe with him.  Anyway, in my more clear relaxed and patient moments, I'll see photo of him and remember that he's just a little teeny guy.  And he's still green.  And young.  And he's been just about perfect in obedience, talent, and sensible work ethic from the very very beginning.  He deserves to have one moment of a setback.  No big deal.