Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Changes at the Barn!

I am writing this entry on Sunday, February 10th and this photo is from July 27th, a wonderful summer day when Kelsey was jumping my beautiful thoroughbred.  We've had many happy changes at the barn lately with today being so important.  Sandy purchased a champion hunter from Michigan, a big bold gorgeous and mellow Appendix Tb/QH cross who she named Kai.  Sandy is a breath of fresh air at the barn and her openness and kindness and generosity and intelligence and sass make the barn a really happy place for me.  I consider the barn an oasis and sanctuary again. I've got Sandy as a dear friend, and then many other dear women who make riding and hanging at the barn fun -- Amy, Betsy, Gay, Mary, Melissa, and Ellen.  Another nice change is that Larissa has been helping me with Renny.  Renny had a setback and she has all the patience in the world to help him be bold and sensible again.  And she looks like she's going to be helping me with his jumping too.  She'll help bring him along on jumping, so he has a chance to develop his talents.  Another sweet change is that Emily helped me with Violet over winter break, so Violet decided to become amazing.  She and I are in a happy mellow groove lately!