Friday, May 25, 2007

Breaking News! Cautious Optimism for my girl!

Two weeks ago, Barbie, Tom and Sandy were working to breed my Hailee, the Saturday and Sunday over Mother's Day. Today Barbie called and said she was with Dr. Burns and there was reason to be cautiously optimistic that Hailee is in foal. They can see the little egg, though her blood isn't going to show the hormonal change yet. So, in another 4 days, he'll check again for the definitive word! Cautiously Optimistic! Here's what I've learned about cautious optimism! Last year, around this time, I was leaving for a pilgrimage in Spain with my Aunt Anita. The best trip ever. The night before we were going to walk our last distance to Santiago de Compostela, we stopped at a pension in Rua. A lovely pension where we stayed in a converted stable in a most welcoming room! So, we check into the pension, and I take a peek out my window and BOOM, I see mares and foals right outside my bedroom window a few feet from where I'll sleep. God's way of giving blessings to me the night before I complete the pilgrimage. But, you know me. I'm a "high spirited" lady and by night time instead of being grateful for my big Valentine of a blessing, I was instead a bit concerned that the mares wouldn't have enough water, given that the water tubs were rather low and it's hot, dry Spanish weather. So, I am laying in the dark, listening to the foals and mares, and wondering about their thirst. And then, suddenly, I hear a truck drive up, and the farmer steps out into the dark night to busy himself with filling the water troughs to the mares' whinnying satisfaction. I fell asleep so satisfied with my small place in the universe and so grateful to be completing the pilgrimage with my aunt. I knew that night that Hailee would have big adventures and that Violet would join our family! So, I think that cautious optimism is a wonderful thing. So, that's a long cryptic story to say that Hailee may be in foal! After Barbie and Tom's careful work, she may become a mom! We'll know for sure next week! Namaste and Buen Camino to you all. Hugs.