Monday, May 21, 2007

Snowflake and the Bumble Bee!

This post is my last for awhile about my sweet Snowflake. She was a darling member of our family. She was beloved and she cared for us. My last post is about Snowflake and Elena. My little baby sister used to love to ride Snowflake too. She would ride her in lead line classes. I'll post a photo of that some day as well. She would have this wild crazy zebra saddle pad and a teeny tiny western saddle. My sister would just sit and slouch in that saddle like a well-seasoned cowhand. And Snowflake would be led around the ring by my dad. My favorite though was the costume lead-line class. This was the time of John Belushi and the killer bees. So, my dad and Elena had killer bee costumes and they were *adorable* in their classes. My big fat bee dad and this itty bitty bee on the cutest grey pony. Just makes my teeth hurt thinking about it! So sweet!!