Sunday, March 9, 2008

Breaking News! Deaths and Injuries at Bay Meadows

On Saturday, March 8, 2008, a four-horse chain reaction occurred in the far turn, after Little G Man clipped heels with another horse and fell. Knoblock, Irish Yodeler, and Ward Brooks were part of this reaction, and all four jockeys were unseated. The jockeys for Little G Man and Knoblock went to Stanford Medical Center to be treated for broken ribs, concussion, and a fractured back. The other two jockeys received bruises, with one jockey riding a card later that day.

Ward Brooks and Irish Yodeler raced to the wire and seem fine. Little G Man died from his injuries and Knoblock was euthanized at the track for a fractured knee.

Little G Man's record was 4: M-1-0 and he was born on April 29, 2004 to Sharan and Catpandu by Wolf Power. Knoblock was also a 2004 colt with a 3: M-1-0 out of Point Given and Regal Riot by Sovereign Dancer.

Rest in Peace.