Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hugs and Kisses!

This morning was just so perfect! I woke up, enjoyed my pets, walked Zelia, had coffee, went to the barn. Visited with Hailee and Renny. And he was so very good about letting me put on his halter. Overnight, he's learned some new tricks, like how to kick and rear! And Stephanie text messaged me as I was leaving the stable to say that her dad caught Renny eating his mom's poo! What a pistol!.

When we let them into and out of the arena today, both Hailee and Renny were champs! They were quiet, slow, patient, and Stephanie had Renny leading quietly. We all felt as though we had accomplished a great deal! I can't wait to see them all this evening!

To top it off, Violet and I had a wonderful, fun, quiet ride!