Friday, December 19, 2008

Gelding Week! Day 4 -- My Ouchy Brave Boy!

Yesterday morning was the first after Renny's gelding. I went to the stable at 8ish and Barbie and Tom were there getting ready for the day! Ren was laying in his straw, all curled up like a kitten, so he let me come in and snuggle with him a bit before he stood. He was swollen a bit, but not too bad. Tom and I put him out in the indoor arena with his girlfriends to take a spin in the day's first running. He didn't want to run at first, but did get caught up in the fun.
Then Barbie and I put out the mares in the front pasture. And Ren got put out with Sedona, after taking his Bute paste -- which he did not want. He looked ouchy. He'd lift his tail and walk gingerly. But it didn't stop him from wrestling and pummeling and trotting and cantering around with his girlfriend or from making friends with the boys in the next pasture over or in taking an interest in his surroundings.
Barbie and Tom kept him out all day long, so he got a good opportunity to exercise and work on keeping the drainage flowing and the swelling down. When he went to bed last night, he was in great shape!!