Saturday, April 7, 2012

Violet Jumping Softly with Emily on New Year's Day!

Because I've had a little dose of fear lately (I'm writing this entry on January 9th), I really very much appreciated watching Emily ride Violet over winter break.  I could see that my girl likes to work and that she's beautiful and athletic and willing.  And I could see that she's calm and reasonable and knows her job -- even if she's just a green girl at her job.  I could see that she was very happy to take jumps calmly and with an even pace.  So, Emily gave me goals to aspire to.  And she even told me that horses could be helped to be rounder over obstacles.  So, that too is worth learning and aspiring to!  I would like to learn how to ride at an even pace without leaning and deep into corners and let her pick distances and help her be round and happy and center over the fences!!