Here's a picture of Man o' War's kid, Battleship, a true steeplechaser! He was only 15.2 hands, like my little Violet, but a total powerhouse! He won the American Grand National, but then went on to become the first U.S. bred, owned, and ridden horse to win the English Grand National in 1938! He died in 1958 at the age of 31 and was inducted into the Racing Hall of Fame in 1969. His final record was 55: 24-6-4. When he retired, he only sired 57 foals, but 20% of them were stakeswinners, including Shipboard and War Battle who were also amazing steeplechasers!
He was nicknamed the American Pony, but he managed that 4 mile long, 30 obstacles which make up the Grand National like the champion he was! In the link below, it describes the grueling complexity and danger of the Grand National. You will come to see that Battleship had a big, glowing, brave heart! My girls share in his royal blood!