Here we are in Elena's home, sitting down to our Thanksgiving dinner. We have Steve, Elena, Emma, Mary Jane, Carlo, Ann, Jane, and Clara. I am behind the camera! We had a wonderful meal!
I am happy to say that yesterday I spent a nice late afternoon with my girls. I am thankful for the both of them. I hung out with both Hailee and Violet. Violet was feeling playful, so she tooled around in the ring. But she and I practiced our Parellis. Her coat is so glossy and she looks so fit and lean. Like a thoroughbred!
And Hailee and I groomed the last of the Kentucky burrs out of her tail from her days as a wild herd girl! I want to work slowly on getting her tail in tip-top shape, and fussing over her coat, and clipping her fetlocks. I want to make her a glowing, healthy mom!
It's funny, but having Hailee back in Ohio now makes me realize just how much I love Violet.
I've enjoyed my last year with Violet, but hadn't realized just how terrific she is. She's athletic, smart, sweet, goofy. She is very sociable. She's playful and engaged. She's gorgeaus. And she likes to be a good girl when I ride her. She's a true joy. Having Hailee home makes me realize that Violet is a real important part of my life, as is my girl H. I am very proud to have both a thoroughbred and a Paint horse as part of my horse family. I am looking forward to when it just feels natural to have them both with me, so I don't feel torn when I'm working with the one, feeling like I'm ignoring the other. I am sure they both see that I love them both very much (and equally!).
This year I am thankful for my many blessings.