Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thoroughbred Care -- Halloween Vet Visit!

Yesterday morning, Violet had her appointment with Dr. Zimmerman. She was a very good girl, but really wanted to smell him and sniff him. She politely put her nose by his face a few times and Dr. Zimmerman was kind enough to let her greet him. She stood very quietly for her shot and her Strangles vaccine. Dr. Z. says that her mouth is just fine and that she looks like she is in good weight and health.

But later yesterday afternoon, his office called and said that she had tested positive for strongyles, a pesky worm, so they are going to send out a 5-day treatment program for her. That treatment will clear her problem right up! We had one funny moment during his visit. I was determined not to act like a nut about her flaky hind white socks, so I wasn't going to mention it at all. And what do you know?! That was the first thing Dr. Z asked me about! Stephanie had a good laugh!

Here's the link to Dr. Z's veterinary clinic.