But here's the sweet part. My cousin, Jane, came this weekend and took pictures of my beautiful, beautiful snorting buckaroo Violet. We were outside on a beautiful sunny October day, and the corn was rustling and my girl felt good! My cousin took great photos and got a photo of me and Violet doing our jumping jacks! Violet is so smart that she's able to play this silly jumping game with me. Jane got a picture of both me and my horse with all 6 of our legs off the ground floating! What a lovely photo!
Plus Jane helped me with some of my homework, playing the Communication Game with me, and testing me with the saavy string and carrot string.
And today was a big day. I was supposed to go and put on the halter, connect the 12 foot line, and play the friendly game with the carrotstick and saavy string. My Violet is on it! I went into the ring and let her stroll about and relax. I was going to practice, so I clipped the 12 foot line to the gate and was rubbing the line with the carrotstick. So, I turn around and Violet is standing right behind me, ears perked, and staring at me, so relaxed, but interested! She was a hoot! She put her head down to get the halter. She stood still all relaxed and mellow while I rubbed her everywhere. She lets me wrap her head entirely in the saavy string while rubbing her face with the carrotstick. I'm allowed to touch her everywhere and wrap the saavy string around her legs.
She and I are all over the Friendly Game! She's a smart, sweet, lovely young filly. I'm very lucky to have my photographer cousin Jane and my royal thoroughbred Violet!