Last week, Tuesday evening, Hailee jetted home to Ohio from her lovely vacation resort in Paris, Kentucky. Barbie called and text messaged me to let me know how Hailee was doing on the road. And then she was delivered to Breezy Acres on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, on one of the wettest days all year! Stephanie and I had just kind for a hot chocolate when Barbie called and said they were minutes away.
I was so excited. They pulled up in the trailer and when I saw Hailee in the window, she peeked at me and gave out a whinny! My girl remembers me and likes me! She walked off the trailer as quiet as you please and seems to like her new home! Here are some photos of her soon after her arrival in her wonderful new stall. Violet and Hailee share the two stalls in the new wing. They have a wonderful, comfortable, safe, lovely new home thanks to the Hintz family!
Dr. Zimmerman came to visit Hailee on Black Friday and gave her a rhino shot. Hailee remembered that she didn't like him and gave a few crop hops. He gave me advice about supplements, food laced with fat, and worming and vaccination schedules. And he said that she looked great -- she's got a nice fat crease along her back and looks like a lovely pregnant girl!
She and I have been hanging out and I am grooming her lots. She's got a tiny bit of rain rot from her days loose in her Kentucky herd. So, I am slowly grooming those scabs away. I think she'll be radiant, shiny red mom by spring! After a few days, when she's used to her new home, I'll start giving her some light exercise -- longing, games, etc. And over time, I'm going to begin Parelli with her, at the very least the Friendly Game, so that she'll be used to people touching her everywhere when she's a new mom!
And Violet. Well, my big red girl was so jealous on the first day. She was confused and demanded attention. But yesterday, I went out for a ride with Stephanie and she was fabulous. She cantered and galloped around like a thoroughbred champion and then gave me the quietest, sweetest, most obedient kind of ride. She's a playful smart sweet girl! And she caught on to the Driving from Zone 3 game! She's smart as a whip!
I introduced both the girls yesterday. Hailee was in the riding ring and I was holding onto Violet. They gave nose kisses, big smells. Violet stood still and sweet and quiet and polite. Hailee arched her neck like a power girl and gave a pouty squeal and foot stomp. But by the end of the day, they gave each other a quiet nose kiss through the bars of their stall.
I love having both my girls in the same place!