The Rocky Mountain Horse is a wonderful American breed, sure-footed, easy-gaited, kind, gentle, hard-working, and strong. They belonged to the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in eastern Kentucky where people used them for every variety of task. They became famous in that area of the country in the late 1800s, and one horse in particular is considered the foundation stallion for the breed.
Sam Tuttle ran the trail riding concession at the Natural Bridge State Park, and he had a beautiful chocolate brown stallion who he used on the trails and let people ride. This horse was so wonderful, everyone loved him. He was a breeding stallion, but still useful on the trails. And every baby he made was known for its perfect timing with footsteps. Sam Tuttle had no trouble selling every Rocky Mountain Horse he produced on his farm of 30-50 mares. At one point, this stallion, Old Tobe, was as famous in Estill County as Man o' War was in Lexington!
This breed was not coddled like the thoroughbreds. Their owners in the 1800s did not have spare money for farriers, feed, and vet care. These horses survived on what they could find, including tree bark. So, without doubt, they are a hardy, useful, big-hearted breed!
