Anyway, here are some things I've learned so far -- horses as prey animals have four basic concerns -- safety, comfort, play, and food. One of my first lessons was to sit in a pasture with Violet for half an hour, so that she learns that I'm not always going to be a predator with her -- coming to get her, going straight for her, trying to catch her. Thing is, I do that lesson a lot, so I'm glad. I like to hang with my horses, and Violet is very communicative and observant.
I think I might have goofed this particular lesson though. It started out great. She came up to me and touched me lightly. She went off. Came back and gave me a careful but solid bump with her nose on my forehead. And then I got sort of tired, so I laid down. She came back over and rubbed me gently on my thigh, and then walked off when I patted her back reassuringly. And then, here was the goof. I sat up. Not particularly quickly or urgently, but I still must have seemed like a lion sitting up. Violet jumped right out of her skin and did a little snort, spin, buck, run thing!
I'm glad to be focusing on the fun with my girl. I want her happy and I want to enjoy my time with her!