Tonight I went further! I arrived and Violet was all wound up with energy. So, I free-lunged her for a long time! And then I put out two hay piles and put both mares in together. Hailee is clearly going to be the boss mare. She pinned her ears, squealed, back kicked for no reason. She ate on her hay pile and then every once in awhile would just pick up her head, pin her ears, and squeal for no reason. And Violet just did big eager girly trots in circles around Hailee. She was happy to get out of her way. I could tell that my thoroughbred princess was confused, but trying. And Hailee. Well, she just knows the ropes after a year of working in a herd!
But what I was really pleased by is that Violet took a luxurious, long, slow, messy dust roll by Hailee. So, clearly she was trying to say that she is comfortable with her new sister, even with the introductory fireworks. So, crossing fingers, they were out together for 45 minutes this evening. And nothing but girly mean faces and some squeals. I pray that their introductions continue and they become a happy herd of two!