Saturday, December 29, 2007

Touching your horse with your heart! -- Getting Savvy!

Okay, so I am writing this Parelli post on December 5th, a really magical day. We had snow and I got up at 5:30am for a winter walk with my beautiful Zelia. I played with my pets and then went into work and sat quietly to watch my Parelli DVD. The lessons today were getting your horse with savvy and leading your horse with savvy.

I hadn't done Parelli in awhile, but was determined to try with Violet this evening. I went to the stable and V was happy to see me as usual. Ears forward, head lifted with anticipation, quick steps to the gate, kisses, and nuzzles! All good. We practiced getting with savvy and had a friendly game chat. Then we did Parelli.

And let me tell you. Violet is a brilliant young lady. She loves Parelli. We played the porcupine game, driving game, yo-yo game. She was *all over* the Driving from Zone 3 game. And then she was eager to do the leading with saavy game and backing through a gate game. She learned instantaneously to wait for me at gates and wait for permission to pass. She truly *gets* that it's about bonding and team spiritedness. And she is joyful about the friendly game. It was just a thrill to have such a good evening.

Still having trouble getting V and H to bond. Lots of squeals and kicks and pinned ears. And now V is in heat, so she can't figure out whether she is afraid of H or strangely in love. But things are moving along. There was more nuzzle and neck kisses before hissy fits this evening. And there was respect for me when I was in the ring. So....being prayerful and watchful.