I hadn't done Parelli in awhile, but was determined to try with Violet this evening. I went to the stable and V was happy to see me as usual. Ears forward, head lifted with anticipation, quick steps to the gate, kisses, and nuzzles! All good. We practiced getting with savvy and had a friendly game chat. Then we did Parelli.
And let me tell you. Violet is a brilliant young lady. She loves Parelli. We played the porcupine game, driving game, yo-yo game. She was *all over* the Driving from Zone 3 game. And then she was eager to do the leading with saavy game and backing through a gate game. She learned instantaneously to wait for me at gates and wait for permission to pass. She truly *gets* that it's about bonding and team spiritedness. And she is joyful about the friendly game. It was just a thrill to have such a good evening.
Still having trouble getting V and H to bond. Lots of squeals and kicks and pinned ears. And now V is in heat, so she can't figure out whether she is afraid of H or strangely in love. But things are moving along. There was more nuzzle and neck kisses before hissy fits this evening. And there was respect for me when I was in the ring. So....being prayerful and watchful.