Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Herd of Three

So, today was a winter day. When I got into work, I watered my poinsettias, looked at pictures of V and H and watched some of my Parelli DVD. The lesson today was how I am part of the herd, and I had better be alpha! So, I took that lesson to heart. My girls are not a herd of two, we are a herd of three.
It was fun to go to the stable this evening and work Parelli with Violet and groom my sweet Hailee. Hailee let me use my clippers to trim per pasterns. And I worked with them to let them know that I am alpha whenever I am in the ring with them. We had lots of fun this cold winter evening!
A herd of three very nervous girls! But adorable and big-hearted too!
Here's a Celtic symbol for the horse. Celts, cool people that they are, really love horses and value them as integral to their lives. So, they view them as symbols of strength, agility, wealth, and even fertility. I know I see them for their strong spirits and loving hearts!