Saturday, December 8, 2007

Touch Your Horse with Your Heart! -- the Yo-Yo Game!

So, Violet and I are still playing with Parelli Level 1. She is just so very smart and playful and witty. I am so glad that I started this adventure. It makes me appreciate her horse nature. I still anthropomorphize like crazy, but I really enjoy trying to think about what it means that I am a predator and she is prey in nature!

Anyway, she's really good at the porcupine, driving, and yo-yo games. But I have to say that she's pretty amazing at the yo-yo. She's very observant and subtle. She knows what I want.
Now we are working on me picking up her legs all from one side. She's pretty good at it. And since I started Parelli, she's becoming very light and agreeable about offering her feet. She's super good about lowering her head. But today, November 13th, we had a bit of confused fun doing the side-driving game where I'm supposed to walk boldy, with her a bit ahead of my shoulder toward a goal. She was confused and I kept breaking the rule. I am supposed to look with confidence at our goal and NOT at her! But I always looked at her. We'll pick up this game, I just know! Namaste to my beautiful Violet!