But I've been distracted and a bit overwhelmed with Hailee's arrival. It's so funny how even good news and events can throw you off your game! Through Hailee's return, I've learned just how wonderful Violet really is, in ways I hadn't fully appreciated. And I realize how much I care for Hailee, but how she just never is going to change -- she is a right-brained impulsive fear-girl, poor thing. I can respect that in her now and want to become skilled at helping her live with and overcome those qualities.
Anyway, my point to today's blog entry! I haven't been reading or practicing Parelli lately, other than gently hanging with my girls and playing the friendly game. But I plan on getting back to the work and play of it all! Violet is bored and wants some challenging play. Hailee needs work, needs desensitizing, and needs to get back in the frame of living with humans and human touch, so we can help her with her baby!
So, it's a frosty cold December 1st morning, as I write this entry, but I am off to the Farmers Market to buy some eggs and potatoes and then off to the barn for greetings, grooming, photos, lunging, riding, and Parelli with my girls!