This morning, at 5:30am, my alarm went off and I lay in the dark with Zelia and my cats and thought about my day. I was looking forward to seeing Hailee and Violet, and anticipating grooming and doing Parelli with them. I imagined Hailee's beautiful thick winter coat and her beautiful face and my Violet's tall skinny girl frame and sweet eyes. And I was happy.
And then, I heard an alarm and a plow and saw lights flashing across my ceiling and I knew! Snow Day! So, I leaped up and Zelia and I took an early, early morning walk in this misting, snowing, wonderful white world all quiet, except for the plows, my neighbor out on his early exercise, and someone diligently shoveling their walkway!
Then I came home, took care of the pets, made Scottish Breakfast tea, made toast from homemade French bread, and put raspberry jam that I canned on it. I ate that while watching NYPD Blue taped on DVR in the middle of the night. And then I packed my lunch of couscous and curried apple chutney, and canned cherries and peaches. It's a wintery day and I am eating my little sweet summer-canned food.
I am thankful for this life.