And then we went bowling! We bowled 3 games and I actually got better in the third game when I am usually tired. Janie gave us luck. She bowled a turkey -- 3 strikes in a row! And believe it or not, I ended up bowling a turkey -- 3 strikes in a row -- in the last game! Mind-blowing! I bowled the turkey when I finally gave up trying to do that slide where you put your leg behind you and instead just hobbled up to the line and hu-ugh-harumphed the ball down the middle in an exhausted crouch of despair. That style works for me!
After bowling, we sat around, had wonderful tea, and watched two episodes of Law & Order: SVU! It was a great day. Plus, Janie gave me a gift of clay cat salt and pepper shakers. She remembered that I had smashed one of mine, but that I had loved having them, so she got a set for both me and her! I have them on my stove now.
No better way to spend a cold winter day than with my cousin and her beautiful cats, Pooh and Patches!