On Monday, my veterinarian is coming to give Hailee her last trimester check up. I am going to ask him about how to adjust her feed rations and whether she needs a special mare supplement or feed. She looks great, so I am not too worried.
I also have to begin working on making the birthing kit. I've got a few supplies to get, even though I know they won't be used! I have a feeling that H is going to handle the whole thing herself and will not want baby to have an enema or have her tail wrapped or want me standing around with a cell phone.
We'll all see baby for the first time after she's up and dry and nursing with H standing proudly by!
Here are my main concerns right now. First, will H be nice about letting baby suckle. Second, does H have the right kind of feed for the foal's last few months of development -- this is vital given that 80% of the foal's growth is during this trimester. Third, will H let me around her when she's born.
Anyway, it's a very cold January right now, so I get them out and about to kick up their heels, but H and V are bored, I am sure. So, I've been working on the babying mom and her friend mode. I bring them yummy treats that smell like cinnamon grahams, carrots from the Farmers Market, and this weekend I made "Head Bobbers" for them with molasses, oats, carrots, etc. The Head Bobbers were a BIG hit. In fact, V bobbed her head enthusiastically.
I will post another Tiny Hoofprints blog on Monday after talking with the vet!