Here is the kitten I found yesterday. She was yowling desperately early yesterday morning in the dark. It was frigidly cold and she was without a home. I called Animal Control and the Humane Society, but they didn't catch her. So, last night, I went and set a trap for her and she ate the food and became my responsibility.
She came home last night and I put her in my bathroom. She is so sweet and intelligent. She eats and drinks so nicely. And uses the litter box politely. And is obliging, demure, but cordially curious. I am temporarily calling her Rory Winter Butterscotch

. I know that I can't keep her, I guess. I can't have four cats, 1 dog, and 3 horses. But she is definitely a kitten I would be proud to have as a family member.
I am going to take her to the Humane Society at noon and see if they can help me with her shots and neutering. And then I'll likely take her to South Suburban to see if she's healthy and can be introduced to my herd.