The Hintz family encouraged me to be vigilant. Stephanie offered to help me desensitize her. Dr. Zimmerman told me I had to desensitize her and gain her trust and respect. Barbie told me not to fret and just prepare for baby by helping Hailee!
And so, I gathered up my shreds of courage and I made the goofiest-looking surrogate. And yesterday evening when I went to visit my girls, there was a big surprise for me. It stopped my short in my tracks! The Hintz' had put up the sweetest sign where Violet and Hailee live. The sign says, "Laura's Nest!" Well, with support and kindness and friendship like that I've received, how could I not work with my sweet little mare!?
Hailee first reacted with fear and evasion. She leaped and danced and skittered away from the stick foal. But I remembered my play with Violet with Parelli. I remembered Dr. Z. I remembered friends' encouragement. I remembered that I care about H. And slowly, she and I worked on desensitizing! We had a successful first night. With approaching, retreating, and friendly game. With persistence combined with care, she let me touch her all over. She let me even be pretty assertive about touching her where the foal will nurse! Oh, yes, she tried to give me some solid roundhouse kicks as warnings. But she finally relented and worked with me.
For the next few months, we'll work on this task. And we will send up prayers and thoughts that my good girl, my scared girl will bring her best heart to her work as a broodmare. I have confidence and faith in that sweet mare. And I know she'll work little Hailee miracles in "Laura's Nest!"
Thank you and namaste! Thank you to the web of people, kind people, and kind horses, who are helping me with my dreams! Namaste.