Today, Friday, in the late afternoon, when Hailee acted all twitchy a I touched her flank to feel the foal move around, I realized that I need to use Parelli to get her used to people and foals handling her flanks, sides, and udders. Before baby is born, I'm even supposed to wash her with a gentle detergent. So, tomorrow, I am going to begin in earnest getting Hailee to learn and enjoy the friendly game!
On Violet's side, she has been spectacular at Parelli. We hadn't really practiced it in weeks, but yesterday I began and she had taken leaps forward mentally. She was ready to play and pay attention and do better than she ever had at all the challenges and games. I am going to have to progress on that front.
I'm very lucky to have two such healthy attractive mares -- my stocky Paint horse who is as sweet as the day is long and my tall lean goofy Thoroughbred girl who is just the dearest thing. She tries to hard to make friends with Hailee and is glad to be part of a little herd of three!