Saturday, January 19, 2008

Little Mama! January 19th, 2008!

This morning, I went to the Farmers Market and bought some carrots for my girls. It was a freezing cold day. I groomed Hailee and let the girls in the ring while I put some nesting bedding in for H.

They ran around and bucked and squealed and kicked so much this morning that they were like a circus act! They were swinging from the rafters and dreaming of running across the plains!

Violet got completely steamed up because she was wearing her winter blanket, so she got a chance to wear her new cooler! It's jet black with beautiful purple trim. I thinked she liked it. She kept sniffing it. We walked around and it worked perfectly. Her steaming body got dry and beautiful and the outside of the cooler had a cold damp layer not touching my girl. Wicking! How modern!

They got kisses when I left and some of their fabulous treats that smell like cinnamon graham crackers! They are two happy naughty dear girls!