Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Valentine Girls!

On my Valentine's Day, I received sweet messages from friends, a treat or two and laughs, text messages with words of happiness. It was a nice Valentine's Day!
And I also went to visit my girls after a hard day at work. They were having their evening snack. Don't they just look beautiful? Violet is a dear -- she loves me so. Hailee is a darling -- she trusts me so. We are a happy family.
Steph had text messaged me in the afternoon, telling me that Hailee was getting bigger by the minute. And you can see in her photo -- Jr. is taking form, gaining weight, getting strong, becoming a presence in this world. I talked to him or her this evening, talked words of love, words of happiness, words of gratitude. And I told the baby how wonderful his/her mama will be! And grandma too! And Auntie Vi! Namaste, happy Valentine's Day!