Monday, February 25, 2008

Violet's New Cooler!

Mom and Elena gave me a gift certificate to the Sporthorse Saddlery store for Christmas. So, I bought this beautiful cooler for Violet. It's the most soft, sort of oily, jet black color with beautiful purple trim. I didn't think she would ever need it because we never break a sweat in the winter!

But one day, she pulled out the Thoroughbred big time! I was lunging her and she chose to just tear off, galloping around the arena, in big, coming around the final turn, in the longstretch, running-for-home kind of way. She got herself into a wet steaming curly-haired lather.

So, I broke out her new cooler and put it on. She was cute as a button and it worked like magic. Within 5 minutes, the surface of the cooler was all wet to the touch and my beautiful Thoroughbred girl was all warm, cozy dry, smooth haired, and looking calm like a princess. She probably thought she was wearing her prize cooler after winning the big race. Such a lovely young super girl!