Over the next week, I will post stories about Renny's big inspection. This past weekend, Darla braided my mare and foal, and Barbie and I took them up to Metamora, Michigan at Windrush Farm for the North American Sportpony Registry Inspection process. I have prepared for this moment all summer, sending in paper work, proving Hailee's other registry memberships, taking DNA samples from them both, etc.
So, I was nervous about the big day. I shouldn't have been. My mare and foal were creatures of great beauty "on the day." They radiated perfect cute sportpony-ness. Any registry would be lucky to have them. So, Hailee earned a Blue First Premium ranking and was judged as being a 7.5 on her breed, type and conformation. The judge praised her many good qualities, including her beauty as a type, her excellent width in her elbow, her dry joints, correct shoulder and withers, and lovely front and hind legs. The only negative note she said was that Hailee had a short croup for her length of back and that she had a weak topline because of her lack of muscle from broodmaring! But Hailee was a true creature of loveliness. She looked wonderful and glossy at that inspection and I was proud of her Blue First Premium ranking.
My baby Renny was the smallest foal to be inspected, but the very best behaved. He radiated good spirits, high energy, sweetness, intelligence, and adorable good looks. In fact, the judge wrote on the inspection papers that he was a "handsome sportpony colt. Neck good proportion and well set on. Butt high on the day. Shoulder could be longer. Correct bite. Leggy colt. RF toes out. Walk improved over dam. Canter a bit downhill on the day. Trot has some suspension." The "On the day" comments were fun because she acknowledged that the babies were growing by the second and by tomorrow his butt might be even with his shoulders. At any rate, she gave him a 7.5 for his type, and 7 for his frame and movement, but he received a 6.2 for his conformation because of that little turn on his right foot that might grow out as he matures. He earned a Second Premium rating of 6.9.
Thus, my well-behaved, well-turned-out, gorgeaus mare and foal earned their certification as North American Sportponies!!! We all went home in triumph and happiness!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Strolling all Cute!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sexy by the Fence
When I see those ears pointed toward me and that clever little face looking at me calmly and expectantly, my heart just jumps! What a sweetie! This photo is from late July. I know I say this all the time, but I don't think I'll ever forget how heart-skippingly great it feels to walk up to his stall, see Hailee, and then see these teeny ears. And then he lifts his face with that confident little air!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Peeking Over Ruthie!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Down by the Creek!
Sometimes they like to play around, or stand at the fenceline by the road, or eat grass by this creek. But what's funny is when this young boy from the farm across the road walks under that bridge, so he can look in the shade for frogs.
These four horses go bonkers and run like scampering fools across the pasture and up the hill to the gate, all snorting with feigned terror at the intruder! They are a collection of happy drama queens!
These four horses go bonkers and run like scampering fools across the pasture and up the hill to the gate, all snorting with feigned terror at the intruder! They are a collection of happy drama queens!
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Whole Happy Pasture Krewe!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Running for the Joy of it!
Okay, what's real fun is that some mornings when I put the horses into their pasture, Annie, Ruthie, and Renny just get filled with a pizzaz of spirit. They just tear around in circles in the pasture, running swiftly, mostly with Renny in the lead of his little happy fleet herd.
And his mama? She calmly eats grass in the middle of his madcap circling running herd. She doesn't even lift her head!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dear Fat Weanlings
I took this photo yesterday when I visited my horses in the morning while waiting for the vote. Look at my chubby little fella! He's so fat as compared to his lithe elegance in July. I am not sure if I am feeding him too much! But you can see that he's a calm sweet gentle fellow. When I come to the pasture, he looks up and walks right on over no matter how far away he is. He loves his Grandma! And guess what?! He may be chunky but Grandma can still put her arms around his girth and hug him all the way around!!
Anyway, I can hardly believe my good fortune from yesterday. Now I am going to turn my energies to deserving that vote of confidence...plus I'm going to work on getting baby and his mom ready for their big weekend event! I am looking forward to making that fat little guy handsome and shiny and clean for his inspection!
Bill and the Ponies!
On some of my mornings, this young man who is from a nice farming family, comes to do his work for the Valentine's. His name is Bill and he likes the horses real well. Violet really likes Bill and she just looks like a purring kitten when he pets her. His job is to weedwhack the perimeter of the farm, especially the pastures. So, the horses know him as the kind person who keeps their space neat and tidy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This morning I drove to the stable on this gorgeaus, cool, sunlit day. I drove past corn turned yellow. Drove past a world brushed with the first hint of Fall. And when I got to the stable, I saw the babies out with their friend in the next pasture and all four girls in the front pasture. I was with my baby when I got the phone call that the vote was 7-0. Namaste.
Wrestling with Ruthie!
Okay, so every morning that is beautiful, sunny, calm, blue-skyed, billowy clouded and gorgeaus, I just thank the divine. I spend such unbelievably wonderful mornings with my lovely creatures. I can tell you. I realize that I am having one of the best summers of my life. I hope I can fulfill the social contract!
Okay, enough seriousness. Here's some more photos, taken in late July, of Renny learning how to wrestle for dominance. He's got it tough. His girlfriend is a supermodel with super long legs!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Baby Buddies!
Here are photos taken in late July of my darling boy and his girlfriend. I'm writing just a week later, and let me tell you, Renny has really started up being a baby boy colt. He likes to ram into her, bite her, chase her, kick at her. He likes to lift his head in a threatening fashion. He's a little teeny adorable terror! But she holds her own. Ruthie takes no guff!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Who is this Grandma person?
Here are two photos taken in the minutes after we began weaning on September 4th. And the video is from the next day. I am writing this entry on Sunday, September 21st, so time has passed. My little guy is dirty, scruffy, has a pot belly from a dose of worms he had, and doesn't shine and look elegant like in these photos. These photos make me a little sad because he just looks like he doesn't quite trust me.
But I can say this, the past few days have been wonderful. I spent several hours at the stable yesterday, practicing braiding Hailee's mane, enjoying Renny, watching the mares gallop and trot and fake fight in the pasture. I brought everyone carrots from the Farmers Market. My farrier came and did a beautiful job on hooves. I visited with Barbie and Tom who were up from Kentucky. Tom was busy replacing mats in the stalls. And I said my goodbyes to the fabulous Derek who is going back to school to finish his last two quarters in the equine management program. Yesterday was a slice of heaven.
And then today, I stayed home for the first Sunday in a long time and worked on papers, canned raspberry jam, and cleaned my house and yard. And Barbie called me in the mid-afternoon to say that she had let the babies out into their pasture, and she and Chelsea had guided the four mares down the road over the bridge to the large pasture on the other side of the creek. She said all the girls behaved and were so glad to go to a new place. Violet went bonkers and galloped and galloped all happy with herself in the beautiful cool sunny day. And Hailee, of course, put her head down immediately to graze. I was sorry I hadn't seen that sight! The four mares on fresher grass, feeling their oats, and Violet pulling out the thoroughbred card. Again, it makes me so happy to think of V happy.
But anyway, I still feel sad that I weaned so early, but I know baby is okay. He just had a rough few weeks with the weaning and worms. But it's all going to be good.
The farrier, Rick, said that Renny was the best stud colt he'd ever worked on! And Tom praised him too. And there really was no way you could not praise him. He came up to me at the gate when I went to the pasture to get him. He walked quietly to the stable, though his girlfriend cried for him and ran around, and he stood patiently and quietly while his hooves were trimmed. He definitely did not act like a four year-old foal. Then he took a little break and had a bit to drink, a little hay, and some quiet moment in his stall, before he went out again to enjoy his time with his girlfriend!
This week, we are going to get ready for our inspection! I've got to clean baby (who is so dusty you would not believe), get Darla to braid them both, and give Hailee a bath. I am just going to enjoy my big inspection adventure. I know my foal will do a great little job!
Over the Shoulder Cuteness
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Blazes and Freckles!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Adorable in his Stall!
Here's a photo taken in late July of my little champion American Sportpony in the Making! He's just spent the morning and afternoon in his stall and is now getting ready to take a nap, after pestering his mom for a bit! He has a real comfortable stall, 12X24 with his own water bucket. He gets to eat his baby grain and his mom lets him chomp away at her fat-enriched feed too. It's so adorable when they both have their faces in the feed bin. But Hailee is top girl! When she wants to shove her face in, she expects him to move fast! And he does! Sweet thing! Why shouldn't he? He can just stroll over to his feed bin and get his sweet yummy baby grain!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Some More Good Smells!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Good Smells!
Hailee went into heat in late July and her baby boy took it as an opportunity to develop some of his little stud colt traits! Here he is -- his mom had just released her scent and squirted and he is responding by urinating like a stud boy and raising his nose for a good phlegming smell! He knows that he's going to be the herd leader someday!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Grazing with my Beautiful Mama!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Scratching My Ear!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Scared with mama!
In late July, my boy was out and about with his mama. He likes to act all independent and macho, but this morning a big noise came from the top of the hill and flash, in a heart beat, Renny ran himself right under his mom's nose for a little protection! That boy knows who has his best interests at heart! And Hailee stood there like a good mama, looking for trouble but radiating calm and love. She is truly a good mother!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sweet Face Grazing
Friday, September 12, 2008
Lookin' at Grama
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Weaning: What the?
Okay, here is a photo and video from the first ten minutes of weaning. I wish I could have gotten some video for you today, the Thursday a full week after weaning. Everyone is rock solid. Today I arrived at Showgate after finishing up my Full application and Violet and Hailee were standing around embracing each other and resting in the sun. Renny was in his stall relaxing because he'd been brought in when he got hot and tired and thirsty.
He and I took a walk along the back wall with Tucker with us. Tucker burst into the corn like a monster and my baby was only a bit surprised. He knew he was okay, he was with grandma! So, he walked boldly all along the barn to the back arena where we stopped and stood patiently to talk with Darla, Lexie and two horses! Then we continued on our way to cross the trail logs and bridge, walk along the grass walkway with trees and then follow the tractor path into the woods. Every step he just radiated confidence in grandma. His expression was "where to next, Grams!?" We had a blast. Then I brought him into the stable along the show side and when he got back to his stall, he took a big drink of water.
We played Friendly game, foottappers, the Porcupine game, and then I just sat quietly and watched my man eat his hay.
I visited both my girls too and they look just fabulous. Haileecouldn't be more glossy and dark, and Violethas decided to play her thoroughbred card to the hilt this week. She looks like she belongs at Claiborne Farms, she's so shiny and lovely!
The only downer note in what was a perfect day is that Renny's stool sample shows that he has strongyles. He'll have to go on a three day round of Panacur at twice his weight dosage to kill those worms!
But there's even a silver lining about that news. I think that I have very good intuition about my horses. For example, I told Dr. Z that Violet was very thoroughbredy and full of herself and 5 seconds later she tried to kick him. Twice! I tell the vet that I am worried about Renny becaues he's got a pot belly and he rubs his tail and Boom! His stool sample shows worms. I am observant. I am a good member of my herd. I am the nurse. This makes me happy. Namaste.
Pony in a Tree
My little guy enjoys strolling about the trees and eating leaves. He's really quite the pistol. I am so glad that he's having a summer of hanging out with Ruthie, playing with his mom and Miss Lee Lee, and eating grass, dirt, leaves, bark, molasses, apple sauce, and sometimes when his grandma goes to Rita's in Grand Rapids, even a taste of green apple slush!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Weaning: Even sad, I'm cute!
I like this little photo of Renny because he just looks like the sweetest combination of perfectly handsome and perfectly confused. He wants to trust his grandma's judgement, but is perplexed about his mama's absence!
Anyway, here we are on Wednesday, almost a full week since he was weaned. He's been a brave little soldier. He's had two full days on pasture with Ruthie. They both are battling the snot monsters. They have a new elder friend in Coke, a 11 year-old gelding on the farm brought this weekend. And he's used to his new big boy stall, but he sure would like to have a little comforting round of nursing. He tries to nurse Ruthie, this morning he tried to nurse from Coke, he's just confused!
But on another note, the veterinarian and his assistant came early this morning and gave the girls their vaccinations. In a reversal, Hailee behaved better than ever before while Violet pulled out the thoroughbred card and tried to kick the vet twice! He put the shoulder power lock on her and she responded by trying to bite me twice! What a thoroughbred! She must have overheard me talking about the Keeneland Yearling Sales and decided that she's too special and fabulous to be bothered with a group of rude people while she's breakfasting in bed, waiting to go out and fight her way to the top of her new mare herd!
Anyway, I am happy to report that Hailee's eye is doing much better and that the vet thinks that she's recovered from her weaning experience with good vigor. That's all from the horse front! I am working on the service philosophy for my Full application. I want to finish the main work for this application by tomorrow and begin the tedious work of photocopying, checking pages, hole-punching, etc!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Weaning: Calling for Mama from My Safe Space!
Hi. Okay, so this picture is taken minutes after Hailee was moved on that Thursday morning, and the video was from Saturday morning. Today is Tuesday and I visited my boy this morning. He was in the pasture with his girlfriend, Ruthie and they had new excitement. A new horse, a gelding named Coke, had been put in the pasture next door. Both foals were busy touching his nose and clacking their teeth in a frenzy. They were so desperate for an adult equine friend. Coke just soaked up the attention. Turns out, at his previous farm, he was the buddy of the foals and weanlings. What a sweet guy!
Anyway, Renny is a little sick with a runny nose, but he seems lively. Luckily the vet is coming tomorrow. He is sweet with me. He spent lots of time sticking his head through the slats of the fence. Another example of the foals' sadness: they keep trying to nurse from each other, poor things!
On other fronts, I had a blast watching the mares. Violet is in a big old high heat. She can barely contain her passion. Hailee is in heat too, but more sedate than my big red girl. Annie is the only sensible one given her pregnancy and mature status. But even her head was turned by my red girl's passion! Several times they checked each other out and Violet snorted in frustration that Annie wasn't a dude! So, though they are all getting along and happy to have a new herd and new excitement, today was filled with hijinks. But what a beautiful pasture filled with lovely mares!
Tomorrow I look forward to my horses getting their vaccinations, taking stool samples for a worm check, having the vet examine Hailee's eye, and having the vet check Renny's weight, tail rubbing, and sniffles! Namaste from my horse frontier!
The Girls!!
Look at these sweet girlfriends! Violet is having the most wonderful summer! These photos were taken on July 23rd. You can see that she's just having such a nice time with her young friend. This morning, Monday, July 28th, I went out to the stable early and visited with my beautiful red girl in her spacious stall and then we went for a ride out in the outdoor riding ring. We had tall corn on two sides of us, a trail through trees on another side, and a wood thicket on the other. It was so quiet and private and sunny and wonderful. And Violet was relaxed and sweet and playful and eager to work. She walked over a bridge several times and walked into a square of ties. And she even stopped and stood quietly on the bridge and stopped square in the square. She's such a good powerful girl! We enjoyed a big looping trot, a long walk, and a light happy canter this morning. I am so proud of my beautiful girl!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weaning: Darla, please go get Mama!
This photo is from the first few minutes of weaning and the video is from Sunday, four days after weaning, when Renny was pretty sad (and bored).
Okay, so yesterday, Sunday, I went to the stable and let Ruthie and Renny out in the indoor for two hours while I gave my sweet mares a real beauty spa treatment. Hailee loved her bath, clipping, mane trim, lotions. I could tell that she really wanted to be comforted and fussed over. Violet accepted her bath with her usual goofy sweetness and grand sense of thoroughbred entitlement!
Renny was pretty crabby, but he was sort of interested because he got moved to his own personal big boy stall with window. No more foaling stalls for him! I thought he was so cute because he can't even reach the window to take a peek out and I can't see him at all if he puts his head down to eat hay!
Anyway, I visited this morning, Monday, and it was going to be the first day that the foals were turned out onto their new pasture. Renny was crabby. He did a tiny set of crow hop bucks when I took his temperature, but then gave up and let me take his temp. He was such a good boy today. He went out and was in pasture all day which really must have improved his sweet mood. He came right up to me and let me bring him in and he behaved while his girlfriend was being naughty. Then he let me lead him around the arena and out back behind the stable, all the time with this dog almost as big as him dancing beside him. Then we walked up to the house and visited Barbie and Pat and he practiced trotting beside me! Fabulous. And then he trotted off beside me and did a little jump over a railroad tie. Super little colt!
The four mares got turned out in the front pasture together for the first time. I would have loved to see that! Violet tried to move up the herd, but Annie must have put her in her place. When I saw her at the end of the day, she had a good cut along her back tendon, but seemed very pleased with herself and with life. When I showed up, you could see the two moms going about their business, and the two red ingenues, hanging together. With Violet putting the bite on Sedona, just to let her know that Vi might be low down the herd, but Sedona was the bottom!
It was a good cool lovely wonderful day and all my horses were outside, engaging in new adventures or behaving well and learning new activities. I am blessed today. Namaste.
Violet Walks to Mom!
Here's a photo of Violet with her best friend, Sedona, at the end of July. She's so funny. She just loves her buddy. If I put her in the pasture and then don't get Sedona, she acts all put out and upset and just paces the fenceline and looks over the fence with her pretty white face. And her expression just says it all, "Hey! What's up? What's the matter with you? Bring me my friend!" She's a real cute hoot!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Weaning: I'll Eat, but I Won't Like It!
These photos and video are from the very first few minutes of Renny's weaning. But I am writing this blog entry on Sunday, September 7th. Renny was waened on Thursday. Last night, I visited him to give his mom her eye medicine and he was super mad. I groomed him, but he did a little side kick at me. And then he stood in his corner and just looked frustrated and kicked the wall in anger. Poor guy.
But earlier in the day, he'd been let out with Ruthie in the indoor ring and Hailee and Annie had been let out in the front pasture. The mares were very good. Hailee is being a wonderful patient, letting me take care of her eye.
Anyway, today I let the foals out into the indoor ring by myself and both were just wonderful. They know and trust me, so we walked the long way and then they were just goofballs running and relaxing. I gave both Violet and Hailee long luxurious baths, clipped them, sprayed them with baby oil infused water, shortened their manes and tails. The girls very much felt like they'd been to a spa. I goofed around with the delightful Viand I could just tell that my sweet Hailee was glad for the girl time.
This evening, I got an email from Sugarbrook Farm where Renny's dad lives! They liked his photos (of course) and said that his siblings had done well at the Pony Finals this year! I have to look up that information. She said that I was welcome to visit Blue Who when I go to Florida in October. I can't wait to meet Renny's dad! I feel bad that I've weaned Renny at four months, but I am doing my best to take care of him!
Tomorrow I hope that both Renny and Ruthie get to go back out to pasture!
Standing his Ground!
Here is a photo taken on July 15th, right before I left for Las Vegas. It was a beautiful day and I was so tired from cleaning, wallpapering, painting, etc. So, I was having my morning coffee, but sitting quietly down by the road by the creek. And little guy thought I was so brave. He was just checking me out as a sat by the creek barriers. Since this photo, almost a week has passed and he has become super brave. This morning, I saw him in the same location I was, relaxed, swinging his tail, with his head hanging over the fenceline to see who might be coming down the road to visit!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
A School of Horses!
Friday, September 5, 2008
What a Difference a Day Makes -- Weaning Day 2
So, this morning I set my alarm for 5:30am, so that I could go and see how everyone was doing and give Hailee her medicine before work. I walked Zelia in the dark, fed the cats, and poured coffee. It was dark when I drove to the stable, and dark when I saw the Appaloosa grazing with his cow friends at Sautter Farm a mile before Showgate. I stopped and took photos.
Then I drove to the stable and when I stepped in, everyone was so quiet, chewing quietly on their breakfast in a thoughtful early morning way. And when they heard me, they decided to put on a show. The babies gave a shout, the mamas whickered and whinnyed, hoping for grain. It was sort of hilarious because you could just feel that everyone had passed a reasonable night and they were enjoying their breakfasts. Renny had finished her grain. Violet was all cozy and cuddly and sweet in the early dark. And Hailee looked decidedly better than the day before, her eye looked almost normal except for her blue halo.
I gave her medicine, I visited everyone, I groomed Renny. My little man let me clean the diarrhea off his legs in an accepting fashion. He knows grandma is supposed to take care of him. He didn't seem confused, just expectant, like the world wasn't quite right and he was waiting for grandma to correct the situation. But they were all well. Derek showed up right before I left and we chatted about the vet visit and equine eye injuries.
And when I went after work, Barbie, Darla and I checked out the horses. Darla said that they had been quiet and good all day and all was well. And I have to admit that things seemed fine. They were still calling, but I feel that the foals could be let out soon. And my darling Renny, well, he's such a good boy that he demonstrated clearly for grandma that he's eating with gusto, drinking water, peeing, AND big boy pooping. I could just kiss his freckle just thinking about it.
A Mid-July Herd Summit!
Here is the herd of girls and their babies. Ruthie and Renny are glad for each other and for their very cool moms, Annie and Hailee. I love watching them move about the pasture, grazing, playing, snuffling, moving each other with their muzzles. I love going and petting Renny and then suddenly feeling Ruthie behind me, asking for some attention too! And I certainly love how my little guy is so good at doing foottappers, leading, playing friendly game, going into the wash rack, and taking a dose of apple sauce and molasses through a syringe tube!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Foal to Weanling
Well, today was a big day in the Sanchez family. I weaned Renny and broke Hailee's heart. It was a hard decision and I'm not sure I made the right one. Renny is a very independent little fella, but he is only 4 months old. But he's going to an inspection at the end of September and I don't want him and his mom to be having troubles if he's still nursing and she's distancing herself. And also his friend, Ruthie, was getting weaned today too. It's a muddle and I'm not too good at muddles.
So, Darla and I weaned them and, yes, there was wailing, crying, confusion, gnashing of teeth, befuddlement. In these photos, you see my horses calling to each other! Renny clearly conveyed to me that he was quite put out that Grandma could be such a betrayer. He just looked at me with that look that said a light bulb was going off over his head -- Grandma is naughty! Annie, Ruthie, Hailee and Renny called for each other all day, but, really, no one sounded too bad. Not heartbroken, just testing. And whenever food was put in front of anyone, they ate. So, I am hoping that all of this summer's love and kisses and handling and good food and care means that weaning will go okay, though it won't be easy.
The stress did get to me though. I cried bitter tears. And swore about myself. And swore about others. I realized something about myself today that little Renny and Hailee taught me. I spiraled into my old mindset, started crying because I'm a bad person, not vigilant enough, not caring enough, bad and thus a source of dark in the universe, making bad decisions which are bad for good foals...spiral, spiral spiral. And then I quit crying and realized, "Dude! You really aren't the center of the universe. Your limitations, failures, befuddlements don't spin the earth off its axis." So, after that little illumination, I went back to the stable and saw that everyone was mostly okay, though, reasonably not happy! And I saw that Renny wasn't thrilled with his day, but was happy with his hay and grain and being able to at least call and hear his mom and, yes, even satisfied with his grandma.
Dr. Zimmerman had to come out today. On Labor Day, I noticed that Hailee had really bashed her right eye. Yesterday she looked just miserable, like she'd been cast in Raging Bull. And today, I could see that blue was starting to cloud over her eye. Dr. Z said that horses in the front of their eye don't have an immune system, so when they receive a strong blow to their eye, sometimes there is a rupture which causes liquid to spill from the back to the front. And since the immune-rich back doesn't recognize the front, it starts attacking the eye. So, I have to treat poor Hailee with an immuno-suppressant eye cream and banamine twice a day for the next 5 days and then Zimmerman will come for a follow-up. She will hopefully be okay, but there is also the possibility that she may go blind in that eye.
This is something true about me, not proud of it, it's just true: Bad news doesn't bring me down, it's not rising to meet the bad news that really paralyzes me.
Prayers for my equine family -- sad Ms. H who had her beautiful foal taken today, had a visit from that wretched tall man who poked not only at her neck but at her eye, and who is leaking milk when her foal calls, and who has an eye injury. Prayers for Renny a little guy who wants to be the head of his herd, but also would like to have his mama. And prayers for happy Ms. Violet who spent a luxurious 9 hours today, grazing with her friend, Sedona, looking sometimes with curiosity at the stable where she could hear the wails, and then who spent a nice half hour racing about the pasture after a cooling rain before coming in for a relaxed yummy dinner in her breezy stall. Even Ms. V needs some prayers because, you know, it's not easy being beautiful!
One last thing, Dr. Z said that Renny was handsome and well-conditioned, he looks exactly like he'd want him too. And he said that he liked Renny's beautiful face and freckle. I thought this was appropriate praise because indeed Renny is exceptional. A freckle from an angel to aim the kisses. A beautiful blaze. Cute ears like his mama. and such a pony smart personality radiating from his very smart stud colt eyes. Dr. Z was simply commenting on the obvious as he was sketching Renny for his Coggins papers.
Love from me to you. I hope you are enjoying your own journeys. Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Shalom, Shalom, Shalom. Peace, Peace, Peace to the universe. Peace to you and me.
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