These photos and video are from the very first few minutes of Renny's weaning. But I am writing this blog entry on Sunday, September 7th. Renny was waened on Thursday. Last night, I visited him to give his mom her eye medicine and he was super mad. I groomed him, but he did a little side kick at me. And then he stood in his corner and just looked frustrated and kicked the wall in anger. Poor guy.
But earlier in the day, he'd been let out with Ruthie in the indoor ring and Hailee and Annie had been let out in the front pasture. The mares were very good. Hailee is being a wonderful patient, letting me take care of her eye.
Anyway, today I let the foals out into the indoor ring by myself and both were just wonderful. They know and trust me, so we walked the long way and then they were just goofballs running and relaxing. I gave both Violet and Hailee long luxurious baths, clipped them, sprayed them with baby oil infused water, shortened their manes and tails. The girls very much felt like they'd been to a spa. I goofed around with the delightful Viand I could just tell that my sweet Hailee was glad for the girl time.
This evening, I got an email from Sugarbrook Farm where Renny's dad lives! They liked his photos (of course) and said that his siblings had done well at the Pony Finals this year! I have to look up that information. She said that I was welcome to visit Blue Who when I go to Florida in October. I can't wait to meet Renny's dad! I feel bad that I've weaned Renny at four months, but I am doing my best to take care of him!
Tomorrow I hope that both Renny and Ruthie get to go back out to pasture!