Look at these sweet girlfriends! Violet is having the most wonderful summer! These photos were taken on July 23rd. You can see that she's just having such a nice time with her young friend. This morning, Monday, July 28th, I went out to the stable early and visited with my beautiful red girl in her spacious stall and then we went for a ride out in the outdoor riding ring. We had tall corn on two sides of us, a trail through trees on another side, and a wood thicket on the other. It was so quiet and private and sunny and wonderful. And Violet was relaxed and sweet and playful and eager to work. She walked over a bridge several times and walked into a square of ties. And she even stopped and stood quietly on the bridge and stopped square in the square. She's such a good powerful girl! We enjoyed a big looping trot, a long walk, and a light happy canter this morning. I am so proud of my beautiful girl!