Hi. Okay, so this picture is taken minutes after Hailee was moved on that Thursday morning, and the video was from Saturday morning. Today is Tuesday and I visited my boy this morning. He was in the pasture with his girlfriend, Ruthie and they had new excitement. A new horse, a gelding named Coke, had been put in the pasture next door. Both foals were busy touching his nose and clacking their teeth in a frenzy. They were so desperate for an adult equine friend. Coke just soaked up the attention. Turns out, at his previous farm, he was the buddy of the foals and weanlings. What a sweet guy!
Anyway, Renny is a little sick with a runny nose, but he seems lively. Luckily the vet is coming tomorrow. He is sweet with me. He spent lots of time sticking his head through the slats of the fence. Another example of the foals' sadness: they keep trying to nurse from each other, poor things!
On other fronts, I had a blast watching the mares. Violet is in a big old high heat. She can barely contain her passion. Hailee is in heat too, but more sedate than my big red girl. Annie is the only sensible one given her pregnancy and mature status. But even her head was turned by my red girl's passion! Several times they checked each other out and Violet snorted in frustration that Annie wasn't a dude! So, though they are all getting along and happy to have a new herd and new excitement, today was filled with hijinks. But what a beautiful pasture filled with lovely mares!
Tomorrow I look forward to my horses getting their vaccinations, taking stool samples for a worm check, having the vet examine Hailee's eye, and having the vet check Renny's weight, tail rubbing, and sniffles! Namaste from my horse frontier!