So, I was nervous about the big day. I shouldn't have been. My mare and foal were creatures of great beauty "on the day." They radiated perfect cute sportpony-ness. Any registry would be lucky to have them. So, Hailee earned a Blue First Premium ranking and was judged as being a 7.5 on her breed, type and conformation. The judge praised her many good qualities, including her beauty as a type, her excellent width in her elbow, her dry joints, correct shoulder and withers, and lovely front and hind legs. The only negative note she said was that Hailee had a short croup for her length of back and that she had a weak topline because of her lack of muscle from broodmaring! But Hailee was a true creature of loveliness. She looked wonderful and glossy at that inspection and I was proud of her Blue First Premium ranking.
My baby Renny was the smallest foal to be inspected, but the very best behaved. He radiated good spirits, high energy, sweetness, intelligence, and adorable good looks. In fact, the judge wrote on the inspection papers that he was a "handsome sportpony colt. Neck good proportion and well set on. Butt high on the day. Shoulder could be longer. Correct bite. Leggy colt. RF toes out. Walk improved over dam. Canter a bit downhill on the day. Trot has some suspension." The "On the day" comments were fun because she acknowledged that the babies were growing by the second and by tomorrow his butt might be even with his shoulders. At any rate, she gave him a 7.5 for his type, and 7 for his frame and movement, but he received a 6.2 for his conformation because of that little turn on his right foot that might grow out as he matures. He earned a Second Premium rating of 6.9.
Thus, my well-behaved, well-turned-out, gorgeaus mare and foal earned their certification as North American Sportponies!!! We all went home in triumph and happiness!