Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Charles Gibson Reports from Bowling Green!

Here's a photo my cousin took that beautiful Saturday in June 2007! She was trying to get an elegant photo of Violet by her stable's sign -- Violet of Breezy Acres!! But she decided to cover my face with her own. So, instead, here's a photo of what I'd look like as a Centaur in reverse. Instead of my head on a horse's body, you have a beautiful horse head on my body!! So, it goes!!
Okay, so I'm posting Tuesday, October 7th, and I am pretty excited. Charles Gibson of ABC news came and did a live broadcast of the National News and he was standing right outside my office window for the big event! His interviews with our students showed them to be intelligent, thoughtful and lucid. Top notch! And then he showed a segment where he visited our beautiful Bowling Green windmills at the edge of town! I travel by those windmills every single day on my way out and home to see my horses! And for months now, I've been thinking to stop and take a photo of them. They are beautiful, just beautiful. Anyway, Mr. Gibson praised them and talked about them and gave us props for our environmental leadership! I was just popping with excitement! Those windmills are among my most favorite things about this town! Very cool! Plus I saw Jorge, Christine, Gary and Naomi on national news . What a hoot of a day!