Monday, June 29, 2009

Violet and the Chiropractor

Here is a photo and video of Violet, taken in March when she was freshly learning how to pull a cart. She's so wonderful. On this day, she was being a real trooper, moving all light and elegant. I am writing this note on March 30th and I had just returned from Chicago. I spent the morning at the stable and Lisa Busch had found an equine chiropractor trained in British Columbia. Violet had her first chiropracty appointment and I was pleased because the young woman knew where Violet's hot spots were. She said that her left shoulder was forward and that her right hip was tilted. Plus Violet had some distortion in her axis right by her poll which is why she crinkles to the right rather than willingly curves and bends. You should have seen my girl's face when she was worked in her neck. She just licked her lips and yawned and jawed and put her head right down in a lazy way. You could tell she felt better. I am very pleased, so I am going to bring that chiropractor back in a month to continue working on her misaligned shoulder.