Last Friday, he had a wolf tooth taken out by his vet and he was very brave for the procedure. The vet measured him at 55 inches -- 13.3 hands. Sandy hopes he gets a little taller, but I don't care. I think he's perfect.
And then there's Renny himself. He literally will do anything I ask of him. He's happy to see me and always runs up to the fence when I arrive. He is getting the hang of cantering while lunging. He doesn't mind his saddle and will stand quietly at the mounting block while I walk up the steps. He's happy to play the squeeze game between the wall and tall grandma. And today he just really blew my mind -- I long-lined him again and he was just booking around the arena calm and happy and straight and direct, and then he was willing to trot and canter with those long-lines -- all fine! All great! No problem. It just made me wish I had a little cart for him.
So, my job is to enjoy every moment with this bright star! Stacey complimented him today and said that he was very bright and well-behaved and she thinks he's going to be a good mover. I was so proud of him!! Love my Renny. After we were done with our work today, we just stood in the sun together and snuggled for a bit. He's my little man!