Again, I'm writing this entry on Thursday, April 8th, while sitting in my office at work. The town is wet and the air is cold and damp, but the grass is so green and lush that you can practically watch it grow! Spring is really here with a flourish!
And I am reporting about my herd's first contact with a good solid heavy Spring rain! Hailee is used to the elements because she had a good long outdoor life in Paris, Kentucky. So, she knows what it is to have fresh cooling rain fall on you. And Violet probably remembers a little bit of that from her youth in Kentucky too, though she hasn't had rain fall on her in 4 or 5 years! But Sugarlump has never had a drop fall on his tender red hide! So, Violet reacted by rolling fiercely and covering herself entirely in mud. And Renny reacted by rolling furiously in his stall to try and dry himself and went on a little finicky rampage about how uncomfortable he felt wet!
So, after I was done laughing and being happy about goofy Renny and Violet, I went to Hailee's stall to take a look at her. And, yup, she was soaked and wet and muddy, but standing as quietly and contentedly as always. She was perfectly satisfied with her wet condition because she is my tough range cow pony. I am so proud of her!