Here is a goofy picture of Team Rengade. I don't deserve the happiness that's been gifted to me this summer. Beth said that I could have Coy come and train my little pony. Stacey has been so helpful and nice with her perspective. Friends have offered good wishes and come to see the training. Lexie came to visit and cheer us on. Kelsey offered to help with his sale video. Emily gives sage medical advice. Todd helped give Renny a nice safe working pony trim. And my little boy has been an angel. He has taken on the life of a working pony with grace, ease and intelligence. He has had compliments heaped on him. He's been called the world's best green pony. He's been called handy, good-minded, intelligent, light, responsive, balanced. It's been a ridiculously happy time in my life this summer.