Yesterday Violet celebrated her 8th birthday. I made apple, carrot, peppermint, oats, and flax seed headbobbers and surprised her and Renny. Over the past few days, she's been hilarious and wonderful. She's in a big bouncy Spring mood and really enjoying jumping. Kelsey worked with her over the weekend, so she knows she's supposed to be working on being lighter and in frame. And she and I have moved up a little, so that we're now jumping 2'3" which is the third hole. In fact, last night on her birthday, she jumped a wide oxer at the 2'3" several times with great joy. After her lesson, the gentleman who provides hay to St. George stopped specifically to talk and pet her. He said she looked just great and Violet gave him her best, "I love petting" routine. And I complimented him and said that she should look great -- he provides amazingly high quality hay. Which is true. Violet truly is blessed in the food department! I love this birthday girl!