Here is an April 15, 2008 photo of Hailee, three weeks before Renny's arrival. This photo was taken when we were calling him Nitro. So, why do I post this photo? Because this photo shows love and great expectations. I sent Hailee to Tennesse with great hope and great love and great expectations. It was an unspeakable nightmare to learn that she'd been so mistreated and that she'd been sold at auction. I never in a million years would have wanted that for Hailee, particularly because she is a special though troubled girl.
But G*d passed his hand over this horrible situation and sent an earthbound angel -- the woman who purchased Hailee. She was sent to rescue Hailee. And she was guided to reach out to me. I will forever celebrate the day before Thanksgiving as the Namesake Day of this great woman and samaritan. And this day will forever be celebrated by me as a day meaning the core values in my life -- that we are supposed to be guardians over our creatures, care for them, and look out for each other. I am grateful to this woman for seeing the beauty in Hailee, purchasing her, and having compassion on me.
And so guess what happened next?