Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Green Circle

I met some really remarkable people, during this process.  I met Karen Woods and her husband who are strong advocates for environmental sustainability.  Karen works to help people start bee colonies, among other things.  And I met Jennifer K. who works at BGSU.  She's a thoughtful kind vegan who is a neighbor.  She befriended me and on the morning Thelma and Louise had to leave, she came over for coffee and brought me a cake which I ate on the drive and some chard for my girls' last BG breakfast.  I met people who who lent so much heart to me and my girls.  And so, Christine felt that we should do something to capture our energy.  We lost in our efforts to get a backyard hen ordinance, but we could work on maybe being more charitable.  So, in the Spring, we hope to set up a group which will have an education and service commitment which focuses on social issues we care about.  I'm very proud of my friends.