Friday, January 4, 2013

This is what (Thwarted) Democracy Looks Like!

Here are some of the amazing moments we had during our efforts to get a backyard hen ordinance passed in my town.  We had Miss Frances and her mother speaking at public lobbying with a message of love and tolerance.  We had people of kindness and good heart attending meetings, making posters, wearing buttons and t-shirts, and being filled with love and support.  Sandy, the lady in pink, even arrived at the meeting with a chicken head mask!  And we even had a young woman who worked for Mr. Obama's campaign that fall design a special video to support Thelma and Louise which we sent to city council and the Mayor.  Here's the video.  When Christine first told me about the video and showed it to me, I cried until I thought I would be sick.  It was so wonderful and loving!  You can see from these photos and video that I was part of something special!