Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thelma and Louise go on a Big Adventure

And so, on a Friday in late November after Thanksgiving, I packed my hens into a carrier, put them in the front seat with me, and drove them 374 miles to Mahomet, an organic farm with friends. Because my hens deserve the very best.  If they can't live with me, they have to live in a better place.  And here's what I learned from my girls on the one and only road trip I ever took with them:  They are wonderful travel companions.  They were just great.  They sat quietly, dozed, sang songs to each other, preened, groomed each other.  When I stopped, they stretched and sipped water.  When I fed them, they ate.  They were just lovely traveling companions.  And they would peer up at me quizzically, but with trust.  That long day traveling, I fell in love with them even more.