Monday, January 28, 2013

Renny Has a Scare

I'm writing this entry on January 1, 2013, but the photo and video are from Renny's summer training on August 3rd, 2012 with his friend, Kelsey.  He was such a wonderful hardworking pony this past summer. I loved his great brave heart and good work ethic.  But then in November, I scared him.  I was taking a private riding lesson with Jill and I was nervous beforehand.  I saw a cat walk behind the kickwall, so I stupidly walked behind the kickwall and followed that cat the entire circuit around the arena.  Jill was holding Renny and she commented to me that Renny was scared and I prepared to leave from behind the kickwall, but she told me that he needed to work on it. I should have used my better judgement.  By the time I got out, he was a one-trial learner.  He went from being my rock solid pony who NEVER was worried about anything to someone who learned that the kickwall wasn't a wall, that there were things behind it.

So, for the past two months, we've been working diligently to try and give him courage and get him to stop worrying about ghosts and monsters.  He's got his mama's speed and swiftness and intelligence, so it's important that we get him over this bump, so he can be a safe wonderful ride for me and children.  I've been working with him, as has Larissa and Kelsey, two fine wonderful young riders.  I hope to have many wonderful rides on Renny in the new year, but as I write this entry on January 1st, I am considering sending him to an A-circuit farm for further training and eventual sale.  But I want to keep him, so let's hope for better days!