Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, 2013!

Hello.  I'm writing this entry on January 1, 2013.  I'm spending this New Year's in McKinney, Texas with my sister and her family, and my mom.  I am looking forward to 2013 and am going to try and do what my friend said:  don't postpone joy.  But my New Year's Resolution generally will be to be "too legit to quit."  The specific resolutions will be to Do more of what I want, and less of what I don't.  I want to work harder on my research and teaching this year, plant some trees in my yard, expand my butterfly garden and my edible vegetables and fruits, put up more of my food, give more time to philanthropy, start a little education, service, philanthropic working group, and enjoy riding, writing, and reading!