Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Our Quiet Last Few Days

It's weird how things work out.  Back in Fall 2005, I had an accident with Hailee.  And then I went to Spain on pilgrimage and Rua spoke to me and said to adopt Violet.  And then I bumped my head against the statue of Master Mateo and he told me to start living as I should.  And then I started my garden.  And raised Renny.  And got hens.  And then all of this led me to my first political fiasco ever!  

But the weird part is that when I got that letter in May 2011, I knew how it would end.  I just had this presentiment that I would have to give up my beautiful girls.  That I was not wrong. That I should be able to keep them.  But that for their safety, they would have to go. So, I made sure that each day, I cared for and loved them as best I could.  And I touched their feathers with love and care.  And I spoke words of love and praise to them.  And I enjoyed gardening with them and sharing time with them.  And I made sure I appreciated our times together.  Those are the memories of my last days with them.  Memories of love.