Monday, July 13, 2009

My Jack

I got a new laptop, so over my sabbatical, I have spent a great deal of time sitting on my living room floor, putzing away. I have a chair immediately behind me and much of my living room floor is to my left. I always feel happy when I hear a little mewling cry because I know that when I turn around, I'll see Jackass on the chair peering over my shoulder, or laying casually in the middle of the living room floor, watching over the entire house's well-being, including his crazy mama! Right now I write this note on Easter Sunday and the very last few rays of the day are turning smoky blue from dusk into night. And Arcangelo and Orangeina are standing at the door, looking as cute as darling buttons. Moibeal is sitting in my lap. Zelia is snoring in her chair. And my Jack is smelling my knee cap, probably catching some random horse smell! I love my home krewe!