Thursday, July 2, 2009

We Enjoy the Fairgrounds!

Here are a few photos from a very special evening. Several friends and I went to the Fairgrounds tonight after work. The place was filled with ponies and horses and eager young people practicing riding and showing. Family and friends were watching the excitement and horse trainers were giving their friends and students tips. Violet was wonderful. She jumped onto the trailer and when she arrived she stepped off and was calm, sweet and agreeable. She knew, you could just tell, that she had to behave and be good. She looked around in a relaxed respectful way. She was so intrigued by all the ponies and horses and sights, but she knew she had to be a good girl and kind to her riders.

I couldn't be more proud of her. What's funny is that Barbie pointed out to me that Violet has a crush on golden horses. She's never seen those before, so she tried to float close toward a golden pony and golden horse each time she saw them.

I lunged her, Barbie rode her, and I rode her too! And then I took her for a relaxed stroll around the Fairgrounds which she enjoyed. At one point, I was sitting underneath an awning on some stands, and Violet casually turned her head and gave me a familar casual nuzzle. She knows we're pals!