Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Bucket List!

I am writing this entry on November 10th and last week was when I changed my herd and sent Hailee  to live in Tennessee -- something I never thought I would do.  And last week was also when Vi and I had a great riding lesson in the Fall weather with Stacey.  Stacey set it up so that we were going to do flying lead changes over a ground pole -- and we did!  Violet knew what I was asking and was happy to give it.  We did it several times in both directions.  And it was fun.  She didn't act goofy or revved up -- she just changed leads with energy and talent.  So, I got off after that ride and had this little moment of realizing that I could take "flying lead changes" off my bucket list!  I had accomplished something that I did not know I would experience.  And now because I know that we can do them, I am going to work on putting them in our repertoire!